874. Grateful for a Vegan Food Swap!

Yes, so grateful to be part of a vegan food swap! A what?  Cat from http://www.theverdantlife.com/ has organized any willing vegan blogger to swap a package of food with other vegan bloggers.  It’s a great idea, and of course the food is even better.

So when my packaged arrived it felt a bit like my birthday! In fact, I think it was very close to my vegan birthday.

Molly from http://veganprincessinanomnikingdom.wordpress.com/ provided a box full of goodies for me to explore.

The first thing out of the box- a “vegan princess” pin that I LOVE!  Then on to the Vegg (yes!), Chreese package, Buccaneer bar and Trader Joes Cookie Butter.  The only one of these I had tried before was my favorite will-drive-out-of-the-way for Buccaneer bar, so creamy and way better than a 3 Musketeers!  The cookie butter is delicious – a little bit almond butter with gingerbread cinnamon cookies mashed in.  Hard to describe but great straight out of the jar!   The chreese made a great mac and cheese, and the Vegg- well I’ve been saving it for company, so still anxiously waiting that one.


Thank you Molly!  And looking forward to another month to try new foods.

If you’d like to participate in the coming months please sign up!  http://www.theverdantlife.com/p/vegan-food-swap.html